Random Frozen thoughts

Brought to you by shopping for Disney Infinity figures and determining out which ones I still want but don’t yet have. While looking over some store’s stock of Infinity figures, I realized Elsa was the only remaining one out that I still want, but I have zero interest in Anna, the other representative from Frozen. It got me thinking about the movie and why an Infinity figure of Anna did not particularly appeal to me.

To start, I will say Frozen has the Prometheus Problem (as in the movie by Ridley Scott). I loved it at first, but my opinion slid towards the negative the more I though about it and its flaws. Now, unlike Prometheus, I still like Frozen overall, but I have major issues with parts of it, mostly pertaining to Anna and Kristoff. I’ve talked with friends about how Kristoff never really belonged in the movie. He seemed shoehorned in to provide true love for Anna to appeal to girls and a manly man (with comedic animal sidekick) to appeal to boys. What ends up happening is he diverts focus that should be on Anna the whole time. Anna’s role is important where Elsa is concerned, but for long stretches in the middle of the movie, she doesn’t have much to do while Kristoff helps her on her journey. Towards the end, when Anna leaps to prominence again, Kristoff has no particular reason to hang around, but he’s still in the movie for some reason. Disney could have left him out entirely, and I don’t think anyone would have felt anything was missing. By having him in the movie, they effectively turned what could have been one very interesting character (Anna) into two kind of dull characters. Which jives with the stories about the creation of Frozen. It was in development for so long and went through so many different iterations that the final product is a sometimes disappointing, disjointed mix of elements from the various pre-release visions.

Don’t get me started on the trolls. They just seemed grossly out of place.

About J.W. Colossal

Engineer, environmentalist, and all-around geek.

Posted on 2014/04/26, in Input and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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